Returns & Cancellation Policy

Return Policy

Products may be returned unopened within 7 days of purchase. If there is an adverse reaction, Derma needs to be notified within 24 hours, in order for a refund of a used product to be returned. Due to vendor rules, we need to have pictures of the adverse reaction.  Thank you.

Cancellation Policy

Effective March 4, 2023

We require a 24 hour notification in order to cancel or reschedule your appointment. All appointments will now be required to have a credit card on file in order to make a reservation. If  we do not receive a notification from you before 24 hours of your scheduled appointment time, the card on file will be charged. If your appointment is reserved with a gift certificate, the gift certificate will be marked as redeemed. If you are using a package, one of the services will be marked as used. Thank you for your understanding. We do realize that emergencies do happen, at that time we do reserve the right to make a judgment call.